Outage Intention Plan
Getting Started
About the Outage Intention Plan API
The Outage Intention Plan (OIP) manages support sub-system for the Outage planning process. The system includes a single-step Outage plan submission and approval process.
The OIP API, an external-facing API is used by Market Participants (MPs) and the Network Operator (NO) to interact with the OIP through web services.
For support, contact WA Operational Planning & Forecasting:
Email: wa.outages@aemo.com.au
Navigating this reference
This page provides an overview of the API as well as information on how to use it.
The icons at the top of the page link to the following, more detailed information sources:
The API Reference describes the paths, headers, request body and responses for each of the endpoints in the API.
The Swagger File links to the latest version of the swagger file for the API.
Prerequisites for API Access
Before using this API, you need the following:
An enabled user account (created by your Market Participant Administrator) attached to a Registered Market Participant (see WEMS MPI User Management User Guide).
A DigiCert Certificate created and installed for the user account.
For more information, see The Reformer: Accessing our test environments.
Non-functional requirements
The following provisional non-functional requirements (NFR) are relevant to this API. These may be revised in subsequent versions following consultation with Market Participants.
Request/response payload required limits:
For all APIs, there is an enforced 10 MB max limit.
Rate Limits (Throttling) applied per user:
An individual user is restricted to accessing 50 calls to this API every minute, with a total of 250 calls in five minutes.
Base URLs
Below are the base URLs used for this API:
Base URL
Data Type
DigiCert Certificate
DigiCert Certificate
Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in the API Reference (OpenAPI Spec).