API Docs
Explore AEMOs API catalogue below.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a pull messaging pattern in the NEM.
Use the Push-Pull message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
Submit and receive Blind Update Tool responses used to perform blind updates to CATS Standing Data fields without the generation of CATS Notifications in the NEM.
CDP Consent
CDP Clients Only - Creates a guest user session and returns a JWT token upon receiving a valid combination of a NMI, retailer and post code.
CDR Common
APIs to monitor the health status and scheduled outages for CDR in the NEM.
DER Registration for NSPs
APIs for NSPs to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
NEM Participants can use this API to receive B2B and B2M stop file and message acknowledgment payload validation failure alerts.
Meter Exemptions
Meter co-ordinators in the NEM to create and manage meter exemptions within MSATS to support clause 7.8.3(a) or 7.8.4 (a) of the NER.
Outage Management System
Manage outages in a constrained network environment in the WEM.
Allows Registered Participants to use Prudential APIs in the Energy Market Systems in the NEM.
Retrieve data from the Gas Bulletin Board.
Settlement Direct
Allows Registered Participants to use the Publishing Direct APIs in the Energy Market Systems in the NEM.

TLS Certificate Management
Manage your AEMO-signed TLS certificates.
WEM Dispatch
View and download the full range of available data input to and output from the Wholesale Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (WEMDE).
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in an asynchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Push-Push message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
CDP Consumption
CDP Clients Only - Returns electricity meter reading data for a given NMI.
Consumer Data Right (CDR)
APIs for retailers to retrieve AEMO held data on behalf of Accredited Data Recipients.
Used by generators in the NEM to send information about recall times.
Identity Service v2
Change a password for a URM account in the NEM.
MT PASA Offers
Submit your MT PASA Offers in the NEM.
Exchange Peer-to-peer information via the e-Hub in the NEM.
Real-Time Market Submissions
New submission mechanism and validations for both Energy and ESS bids and offers in the WEM.
Reserve Capacity Mechanism
Ensures the SWIS has sufficient available capacity to meet the peak demand in the WEM.
STEM and Bilateral SOAP APIs
View reports and make submissions relating to the STEM and Bilateral components of the WEM.
WEM DER Installation v2
Manage WEM DER Installation data.
Outage Intention Plan
The Outage Intention Plan (OIP) manages support sub-system for the Outage planning process.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a synchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Sync message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO for a predefined set of B2M reporting and standing data queries.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
CDP Reference Data
CDP Clients Only - Retrieves a list of Energy Retailers in Australia.
DER Registration for Account Holders
APIs for Account Holders to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
Retrieve the current list of stop files for all participants or for a specific participant (using alerts) resource in the NEM.
Intermittent Generation Availability
Submit intermittent generation availability to AEMO for the NEM.
Submit API Energy, FCAS, and MNSP Bids and Offers.
Prudential and Settlement Service
Prudential and Settlement functionality and services for the WEM.
Create, authorise or cancel reallocations in the NEM.

Submit Solar or Wind Forecasts to AEMO for the NEM.
Manage WEM DER NMI details.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a pull messaging pattern in the NEM.
Use the Push-Pull message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
CDP Consent
CDP Clients Only - Creates a guest user session and returns a JWT token upon receiving a valid combination of a NMI, retailer and post code.
DER Registration for Account Holders
APIs for Account Holders to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
Retrieve the current list of stop files for all participants or for a specific participant (using alerts) resource in the NEM.
Meter Exemptions
Meter co-ordinators in the NEM to create and manage meter exemptions within MSATS to support clause 7.8.3(a) or 7.8.4 (a) of the NER.
Prudential and Settlement Service
Prudential and Settlement functionality and services for the WEM.
Real-Time Market Submissions
New submission mechanism and validations for both Energy and ESS bids and offers in the WEM.
STEM and Bilateral SOAP APIs
View reports and make submissions relating to the STEM and Bilateral components of the WEM.
Manage WEM DER NMI details.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in an asynchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Push-Push message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
CDP Consumption
CDP Clients Only - Returns electricity meter reading data for a given NMI.
DER Registration for NSPs
APIs for NSPs to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
Identity Service v2
Change a password for a URM account in the NEM.
Submit API Energy, FCAS, and MNSP Bids and Offers.
Exchange Peer-to-peer information via the e-Hub in the NEM.
Reserve Capacity Mechanism
Ensures the SWIS has sufficient available capacity to meet the peak demand in the WEM.

TLS Certificate Management
Manage your AEMO-signed TLS certificates.
WEM Dispatch
View and download the full range of available data input to and output from the Wholesale Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (WEMDE).
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a synchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Sync message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO for a predefined set of B2M reporting and standing data queries.
CDP Reference Data
CDP Clients Only - Retrieves a list of Energy Retailers in Australia.
Used by generators in the NEM to send information about recall times.
Intermittent Generation Availability
Submit intermittent generation availability to AEMO in the NEM.
Outage Management System
Manage outages in a constrained network environment in the WEM.
Create, authorise or cancel reallocations in the NEM.

Submit Solar or Wind Forecasts to AEMO in the NEM.
WEM DER Installation v2
Manage WEM DER Installation data.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
Retrieve data from the Gas Bulletin Board.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
Submit data to the Gas Bulletin Board.
Identity Service v2
Change a password for a URM account in the NEM.

TLS Certificate Management
Manage your AEMO-signed TLS certificates.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a pull messaging pattern in the NEM.
Use the Push-Pull message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
Submit and receive Blind Update Tool responses used to perform blind updates to CATS Standing Data fields without the generation of CATS Notifications in the NEM.
Retrieve the current list of stop files for all participants or for a specific participant (using alerts) resource in the NEM.
Exchange Peer-to-peer information via the e-Hub in the NEM.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in an asynchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Push-Push message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO.
CDR Common
APIs to monitor the health status and scheduled outages for CDR in the NEM.
NEM Participants can use this API to receive B2B and B2M stop file and message acknowledgment payload validation failure alerts.
Retrieve data from the Gas Bulletin Board.
Send and receive B2B messages between participants in a synchronous fashion in the NEM.
Use the Sync message pattern to undertake NEM Retail Business-to-Market communications with AEMO for a predefined set of B2M reporting and standing data queries.
Consumer Data Right (CDR)
APIs for retailers to retrieve AEMO held data on behalf of Accredited Data Recipients.
Meter Exemptions
Meter co-ordinators in the NEM to create and manage meter exemptions within MSATS to support clause 7.8.3(a) or 7.8.4 (a) of the NER.
Submit data to the Gas Bulletin Board.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
Intermittent Generation Availability
Submit intermittent generation availability to AEMO in the NEM.
Create, authorise or cancel reallocations in the NEM.
WEM DER Installation
Manage WEM DER Installation data.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction in the NEM.
Submit API Energy, FCAS, and MNSP Bids and Offers in the NEM.

Submit Solar or Wind Forecasts to AEMO in the NEM.
Manage WEM DER NMI details.
Settlement Direct
Allows Registered Participants to use the Publishing Direct APIs in the Energy Market Systems in the NEM.
Used by generators in the NEM to send information about recall times.
Allows Registered Participants to use Prudential APIs in the Energy Market Systems in the NEM.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction.
Submit and receive data relating to capacity trades and day ahead auction.
DER Registration for Account Holders
APIs for Account Holders to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
Manage WEM DER NMI details.
DER Registration for NSPs
APIs for NSPs to submit data to DERR database in the NEM.
WEM DER Installation v2
Manage WEM DER Installation data.
CDP Consent
CDP Clients Only - Creates a guest user session and returns a JWT token upon receiving a valid combination of a NMI, retailer and post code.
CDP Consumption
CDP Clients Only - Returns electricity meter reading data for a given NMI.
CDP Reference Data
CDP Clients Only - Retrieves a list of Energy Retailers in Australia.
CDR Common
APIs to monitor the health status and scheduled outages for CDR.
Consumer Data Right (CDR)
APIs for retailers to retrieve AEMO held data on behalf of Accredited Data Recipients.
Outage Management System
Manage outages in a constrained network environment in the WEM.
Reserve Capacity Mechanism
Ensures the SWIS has sufficient available capacity to meet the peak demand.
Manage WEM DER NMI details.
Prudential and Settlement Service
Prudential and Settlement functionality and services for the WEM.
STEM and Bilateral SOAP APIs
View reports and make submissions relating to the STEM and Bilateral components of the WEM.
WEM Dispatch
View and download the full range of available data input to and output from the Wholesale Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (WEMDE).
Real-time Market Submissions
Submission mechanism and validations for both Energy and ESS bids and offers in the WEM.
WEM DER Installation v2
Manage WEM DER Installation data.
Outage Intention Plan
The Outage Intention Plan (OIP) manages support sub-system for the Outage planning process.
General Documentation
Browse through a collection of general API documentation